Optimal solution:
Since there are still many unanswered questions about the effect of nitrates on human health, it is desirable to reduce the population's exposure to nitrates from drinking water to the lowest reasonably achievable level.
Ion exchange technologies are probably the most widespread method for family houses and municipalities. These are filters where (in layman's terms) salt is sprinkled for proper functioning. However, even this technology has its limits. These generally begin to manifest themselves in places where the sum of nitrate and chloride values in the raw water exceeds 100 mg/l.
For cases of unfavorable values of nitrates and chlorides, which prevent the use of classic ion exchangers of regenerated salts, and for more demanding customers on water quality, ion exchanger technologies operating in a mode where there is no increase in chlorides in drinking water are offered. They are also called double-wash filters. These can eliminate the shortcomings of reverse osmosis as well as the limiting limits of ion exchangers regenerated with sodium chloride. Unlike reverse osmosis, they are water-friendly and do not negatively affect other parameters. Compared to ordinary ion exchangers, it removes nitrates better and has a favorable effect on the chloride value.
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